Solid Fluids: New Approaches to Materials and Meanings
Anthropologists, archeologist, artists, designers, geographers, and sociologists gather at the workshop 'Solid Fluids: New approaches to Materiales and Meanings' that took place at the University of Aberdeen (27-29 August 2018). The event, organized by Cris Simonetti and Tim Ingold, opened an inquiry into the tension between solidity and fluidity, a tension deeply ingrained in the western intellectual tradition and implicit in a number of theoretical debates across the sciences and the humanities.
The workshop included presentations from Mike Anusas (University of Edimburg), Nigel Clark (Lancaster University), Matt Edgeworth (University of Leicester), Sasha Engelmann (University of London) Paolo Gruppuso (University of Aberdeen), Franz Krause (University of Cologne), Tim Ingold (University of Aberdeen), Gavin Lucas (University of Iceland), Enrico Marcone (University of Aberdeen), Germain Meulemans (Alexandre Koyré Centre, Paris), Bron Szerszynski (Lancaster University), Cris Simonetti (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Elishka Stirton (University of Aberdeen), Judith Winter (Manchester School of Art) and Laura Watts (University of Edinburgh).
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